Original Parad (Mercury) Lakshmi Ganesh Saraswati 100 gm (PALGS-001)


The trio of divine deities—Lakshmi, Ganesh, and Saraswati—bring comprehensive blessings into one’s life. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, bestows financial success and well-being. Ganesh, the remover of obstacles and god of wisdom, clears paths and brings good fortune. Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, music, and arts, grants wisdom, creativity, and learning. Together, they offer holistic success and harmony.

5 in stock



All Our Parad Products, Manufactured As per classical norms tend to consume gold and silver, when in contact. So, it is advised not to use gold and silver products along with our Parad products, especially Gold and Silver Chains with our Parad Mala/ rosaries.

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