Parad (Mercury) has been solidified as per secret method of ancient Indian Alchemy. We want to stress here that all the solidified Mercury is not Parad, but only which has been purified, processed and solidified, strictly as per ancient scriptures and under the supervision of Rasvidya. Unfortunately, money minded and fraud business sellers are selling unauthentic products made after mixing cheap metals with Mercury, and sell in the name of Parad., a venture of AstroDevamPvt. Ltd., alerts the general public about these fake and money making cheats, who are only after your money.
Rasashastra texts mentioned that Parad with attributes of a blue tinge internally and bright whiteness externally must be considered as Original. Parada found in nature has several Natural and Inherent impurities and contaminations.
Parada Dosha (Parad Impurities)
Article on Rasashastra mention about the 8 common impurities or doshas of Parad. These impurities are: Vang (Tin), Guru (unduly weight), Vish/ Garal (poison), Bhumij (stone, mud, etc.), Naag (lead), Agni (intolerance to heat), Chapal (instability, fickle nature), Bhushail (Jalaj (water impurities), Girij (minerals) and Mala (endogenous, exogenous waste like excreta). Parad (Padrasam) consumed or used with any of these impurities causes a burning sensation, and health issues like leprosy, dullness, ulcer, loss of consciousness, loss of reproductive power and poison respectively. Therefore, Parad products needs to be free from these impurities and contaminations before its use as medicine or for other purposes.
Kanchuka Dosha of Parad (Layers of Parad)
Apart from the above mentioned natural contaminations of Parad, article on Rasashastra mention about additional impurities of Parad (Para) in form of external coverings. These extra layers of impurities are called as Kanchukas and they are totalled seven in number so called as Sapta (7) – Kanchuka (covers) dosha (adulterations) of Parad. In short, these layers are a mixture of other metals in powdered form with Parad, which cause illnesses in the body.
Seven Kanchuka Doshas are as follows:
- Dravi (liquefying) KanchukaDosha
- Bhedi (tearing) KanchukaDosha
- Malakad (causing impurities) KanchukaDosha
- Parpatika (producing scales on the skin) KanchukaDosha
- Dhvanksi (causing darkness of skin) KanchukaDosha
- Patanakari (cracking) KanchukaDosha and
- Andhakari (causing blindness) KanchukaDosha
Parad due to its magical and spiritual importance in Rasa Shastra and Ayurveda is briefly used for two key purposes; Loh-vadha (Spiritual upliftment and Occult) and Deha-vadha(body rejuvenation). To completely achieve all the purposes, Ayurveda texts explain about Ashtadash-Sanskar (18 processes) required to clean pollute Mercury. Of these, only the first 8 are advised for Deh-vadha (medicinal purposes) while the remaining ten steps are obscure and have occult implications, are used only for purification of Parad in such a way that it can change vulgar metals into gold (Loh-vadha).
The first eight steps to purify Parad for Deh-vadha (Rasayana) consist of:
- Step 1 – Svedana– Maricha, Chitraka, Pippali, Triphala,Aradraka and SaindhavLavan are mixed together & made into paste. Parad 16 times the weight of the mixed herbal paste is added with this paste cautiously blended and the mixture rolled into a ball. The ball is tied in a poultice and steamed in dolayantra filled with Sauveer for three-four days. This process of steaming Parad with natural herbs is known as SvedanSanskar which helps in clearing the Parad impurities.
- Step 2 – Mardana-Parad procured after SvedanSanskar is further perfectly rubbed with the following ingredients; Sarshap, Triphala, Rasona, Soot (Jute or any cloth with a rough surface), Aradrak&Lavan (SaindhavLavan). This procedure is called as MardanaSanskar which helps in clearing impurities that might not have been cleared by Svedan method.
- Step 3 – Murchana– The next procedure after Mardana comprises a further combination or processing of Parad with decoctions formed from Kumari,Triphala and Chitraka for a week. This procedure is called as MurchanaSanskar which completely removes anomalies and gives it a pulverised form.
- Step 4 – Utthapana– Parad needs to recover its natural traits which is achieved from the Utthapana process. The Murchit Parad is steamed appropriately with Kaanji and carefully washed (The time-span is not fixed). The procedure gives Parad its normal form, removing all impurities.
- Step 5 – Patana– Parad procured after Utthapana is treated to three types of Patana-karma (sublimation process; downward, upward & oblique). This technique is carried out in a special set of apparatus called as Patan-Yantra which are distinct for each method.
- UrdhvapatanSanskara-The upward sublimation technique is carried out in Urdhvapatan Yantra. This procedure completely removes the Vang impurities of Parad.
- AdhapatanSanskara–The downward sublimation method is carried out in AdhaPatan Yantra.
- Step 6 – Bodhana/Rodhana- Bodhana/RodhanaSanskaraprocedure awakens Parad after its earlier treatments which give Paradits powers to move in diverse directions. It removes impotency of Parad by reducing impurities, which occurs due to its previous Sanskaras of Mardana (rubbing).
- Step 7 – Niyamana- This procedure of Sanskar is done to remove any defects with Parad after the Bodhanasanskar. The Parad is steamed with Bhringaraja, Amlika, Rason, Musta and Navsagar. The procedure needs to be carried out for three continuous days, which is said to purify Parad of its Bhushali, Kanchuka and Mala impurities.
- Step 8 – Deepana– Parad obtained after the Niyamanasanskar is considered free of its impurities and its other harmful properties. However, it still needs to be prepared for combining with other constituents to form complex and compound preparations. To complete this, Parad is steamed with the help of Dolayantra filled with Kaanji /Arnaal for one Prahara (i.e. for three hours). This method is known as Deepana-sanskara which makes Parad capable of swallowing, digesting or amalgamating other entities. Deepanasanskar is the last Parad sanskara procedure for Deh-Vada. Parad obtained after this unique method (sanskar) can be used as medicine.
The remaining TenSanskaras (treatments) specially used for Loh-vadha (alchemical, spiritual & occult purposes) are as mentioned below.
- Grasa (swallowing)
- Garbhadruti (inner liquelication)
- Bahirdruti (outer liquelication)
- Charana (movement)
- Jarana (combination)
- Ranjana (colouring)
- Sarana (pushing)
- Kramana (leaping)
- Vedha (transmentation)
- Sevana (application)
Some scripturesrelated to Parad mentioned few additional procedures like Jarana (Amalgamation) and Murchana (Swooning) to completely remove the impurities/ contamination of Parad. These procedures are done by combining Parad with Gandhak (Sulphur) and treating the mixture to some process of heating.
Our mentor ĀcharyKalki Krishnan, who has got highest degree (Master in Vedic Karmakand) personally energizes and ensures that the AshtaSanskarasprocess (eight steps of medicinal purification) are performed as per Ayurveda and Tantra processes (under the guidance of skilled Ayurvedic Doctor). This completely proves the purity and genuineness of our Parad Products available Original Parad TM.
[Note-You may refer Rasashastra books for comprehensive information of Parad Purification]